It has been announced that Battlefield 1 will have a Spectator Mode, and will feature tools that will give all players the ability to create video content and screenshots.

The Spectator Mode will be available on both consoles and PC. To begin their cinematic shots, players just have to join a match as Spectator. They can then follow individual soldiers and vehicles using the Director Camera. Once in this mode, the camera will be locked on that player, but the Spectator will still have full control over the camera’s positioning.

Spectators will also be able to use the Free Camera. They can set up multiple free cameras around the map, and adjust the settings for each one. The Spectator can switch to any free camera at will, and have full control over it. For a cinematic look, players can use field of view (FOV) and depth of field (DOF) options. Spectators will also be able to use various filters on their footage. The HUD can also be hidden when filming.

Details for the Play First Trail for EA Access and Origin Access members have been released. Access members will be able to try the out the game on October 13th, and will have 10 hours of game time. Five maps and modes will be available, as well as a piece of the singleplayer campaign. Progress will carry over if Access members decide to buy the full game when it releases.

Battlefield 1 will release on October 21st. The game will be available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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