apocalypse now

Apocalypse Now to become a video game

One of the most iconic movies of all time, Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, is to be made into a computer game.  Involved in production are some of the top games developer talents behind big titles like F... Read More...

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is coming to PS4

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a unique RPG created by Airship Syndicate, based on the comic series by Joe Madureira. It's set to be a companion story to the well loved series, allowing old fans of the comics to recognize the world and characters without alienati... Read More...

New Homeland combines sprite art and modern gameplay

After spending two years in development, Hot Fudge Games has announced a Kickstarter campaign for its first game, New Homeland. The Kickstarter explains New Homeland with an ambitious list of inspirations: 8- and 16-bit, platformers, action adventures, metr... Read More...