Gears of War fans have asked for insane difficulty straight away

People who have played Gears of War games in the past will know the drill when it comes to playing Insane difficulty, first you need to complete the game on any other difficulty and then have at it but a recent poll by Rod Fergusson, the director of Gears of War 4.

People who have played Gears of War games in the past will know the drill when it comes to playing Insane difficulty, first you need to complete the game on any other difficulty and then have at it but a recent poll by Rod Fergusson, the director of Gears of War 4.

Over 6,000 votes later 63% of fans would prefer to sink their teeth into insanity right off the bat. While Rod Fergusson is the director of Gears of War 4, it’s worth noting that this poll isn’t official and was ran from his personal account rather than the Gears of War or Coalition account.

It is most likely that this poll will have a massive effect on the final decision and I for one am hopeful for the addition of Insane difficulty from the get go, ever since Dark Souls I have to play every game on the hardest difficulty from the get go.

Do you want Insane difficulty from the start or are you happy with unlocking it? Let us know in the comments.

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