TERA Online could be coming to consoles in the future

There's a possibility that we could see a console version of TERA Online in the future. Bluehole Studios, the developers behind the game, have posted listings for positions that would be responsible to bring the MMORPG to Xbox One and PlayStation 4. There has not been an official announcement for this version of the game at this time.En Masse, the Western Developer for the game has recently released a survey to players that point to the company's interest in bring the game to consoles. If a console version of TERA Online does become a reality, it will add to the growing number of MMOs that are available on these platforms.

There’s a possibility that we could see a console version of TERA Online in the future. Bluehole Studios, the developers behind the game, have posted listings for positions that would be responsible to bring the MMORPG to Xbox One and PlayStation 4. There has not been an official announcement for this version of the game at this time.

En Masse, the Western Developer for the game has recently released a survey to players that point to the company’s interest in bring the game to consoles. If a console version of TERA Online does become a reality, it will add to the growing number of MMOs that are available on these platforms.

TERA’s recent update introduced the New Ninja class to the game, as well as Flying mounts and two new story dungeons for players to explore. The game’s August update is set to bring a new solo dungeon which will dig deeper into the lore of one of TERA’s greatest villains as well as bring some adjustments to the game.

TERA online was released in Korea back in 2011, with the game being brought to the west a year later. Since then the game has become a free to play title, and has been flowing with content ever since.

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