League of Legends is being immortalised in Australia

Riot Games, the company that launched League of Legends over 5 years ago, is building an artificial reef off the coast of Australia! Players were tasked to earn 275,000 points over the span of one week to earn prizes, one of the rewards was a life-size artificial reef, upon which players who contributed's names will be etched, made a part of League of Legends history Pretty sweet!

Riot Games, the company that launched League of Legends over 5 years ago, is building an artificial reef off the coast of Australia! Players were tasked to earn 275,000 points over the span of one week to earn prizes, one of the rewards was a life-size artificial reef, upon which players who contributed’s names will be etched, made a part of League of Legends history Pretty sweet!

To the surprise of no one at all, this goal was met in a mere 3 days. Votes were cast between Nami, Fizz and Nautilus, and Nautilus took the most votes.

The exact location has not been chosen yet, but Riot Games are currently consulting with marine biologists and an artificial reef company to decide where the Titan of the Depths will forever stand.

This comes just in time for the release of the Oceania Pro League!


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