New Destiny House of Wolves Missions Leaked
Destiny, normally known as the game full of secrets and half-whispered stories, is quickly becoming the game full of leaks that need plugging. Previous leaked details include some new upcoming Crucible modes, among others, but now we get to look at some of the missions that will be available in the upcoming House of Wolves DLC.The missions themselves are a mix of Reef locations, a Queen quest (possibly similar to Eris' quest missions in the Dark Below DLC), and a Strike, the latter two of which are located on the Moon.

Destiny, normally known as the game full of secrets and half-whispered stories, is quickly becoming the game full of leaks that need plugging. Previous leaked details include some new upcoming Crucible modes, among others, but now we get to look at some of the missions that will be available in the upcoming House of Wolves DLC.
The missions themselves are a mix of Reef locations, a Queen quest (possibly similar to Eris’ quest missions in the Dark Below DLC), and a Strike, the latter two of which are located on the Moon.
According to the images below, the Strike is called “Belly of the Beast”, and involves a Fallen Wolfship holding an ‘infamous Walker’. The player’s task will be to infiltrate the Wolfship’s Ketch and take down the Walker.
Most interestingly, and excitingly, is the possibility of a new social space in the Reef. Until now, the Tower has been the only space players can go to experience a true social hub whilst interacting with vendors and retrieving bounties. Introducing a new location in the Reef makes sense both from a lore perspective – given the Queen’s location within – and a gameplay perspective: simply put, players need somewhere new to hang out.
Leaked via Reddit, thanks to everyone’s favourite Destiny ‘insider’ Megamanexe4, the images below reveal each of the locations specified above. It’s worth treating this as rumour at this stage, but given Megaman’s track record with predicting Xur’s stock and other sensitive information, this may end up proving true when the DLC releases in May.