360 owners can now get free Xbox One games for the future
In a huge update to Xbox's Games With Gold program, Xbox 360 owners who do not own an Xbox One (such as myself), can now download the games that are offered as part of the Games With Gold program on the Xbox One for free, despite the fact that they don't own the console. Naturally, 360 users will be unable to play these games until they get the console, but it is awesome that we are able to queue up the free games that are released every month nevertheless, because that means that when we do decide to invest in the console in the future there will be some great free games at our disposal. This is a great move by Microsoft and has pretty much come from left-field since we didn't hear anyone asking for this feature. Regardless, get downloading Rayman Legends now if you have a 360 but not an Xbox One![youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GPsBl6G41Y&w=560&h=315]

In a huge update to Xbox’s Games With Gold program, Xbox 360 owners who do not own an Xbox One (such as myself), can now download the games that are offered as part of the Games With Gold program on the Xbox One for free, despite the fact that they don’t own the console. Naturally, 360 users will be unable to play these games until they get the console, but it is awesome that we are able to queue up the free games that are released every month nevertheless, because that means that when we do decide to invest in the console in the future there will be some great free games at our disposal. This is a great move by Microsoft and has pretty much come from left-field since we didn’t hear anyone asking for this feature. Regardless, get downloading Rayman Legends now if you have a 360 but not an Xbox One!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GPsBl6G41Y&w=560&h=315]