Rumor: Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China headed to Vita?

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China, along with other entries in a new trilogy - India and Russia, were announced last week by Ubisoft for PS4, Xbox One, and PC as  2.5D side scrolling spin off games of the main franchise.However, French website  Video Game Pockett speculates that at least the first game in the series, China, could be coming to additional platforms as well, including PlayStation Vita.

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China, along with other entries in a new trilogy – India and Russia, were announced last week by Ubisoft for PS4, Xbox One, and PC as  2.5D side scrolling spin off games of the main franchise.

However, French website  Video Game Pockett speculates that at least the first game in the series, China, could be coming to additional platforms as well, including PlayStation Vita.

China is expected to launch April 21, so while it’s probably not likely the game will drop on Vita that day if it is not currently announced, there seems to be a chance that it could land on the system in the future. Assassin’s Creed: Liberation was originally a Vita-exclusive title before it was ported to the PlayStation 3.

The site also states that is a possibility the game could make its way to Xbox 360 and PS3 in the future as well, but as of right now it all seems to be speculation.

Would you like to take a stab at another Assassin’s Creed on your Vita?

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