Destiny's Trials of Osiris opens today

As a part of the new House of Wolves DLC for Destiny, the Trials of Osiris opens for players today. This new game mode is a part of the Crucible, and is a limited 3v3 Elimination experience that takes place each week between Friday and the Bungie weekly update on Tuesday. It officially opens today at 10 AM PDT/1 PM EDT, 6 PM UK.So, how do you compete in the Trials of Osiris? The first thing you need to do is visit the Trials vendor in the Reef, Brother Vance - he'll give you the Trials Passage, which "grants you access to this week's Trials of Osiris tournament," as taken from the description in game. The Trials Passage marks each of your wins and losses in the games. You'll also need a fireteam of 3 to compete in the Trials...the only matchmaking will be to find opponents.

As a part of the new House of Wolves DLC for Destiny, the Trials of Osiris opens for players today. This new game mode is a part of the Crucible, and is a limited 3v3 Elimination experience that takes place each week between Friday and the Bungie weekly update on Tuesday. It officially opens today at 10 AM PDT/1 PM EDT, 6 PM UK.

So, how do you compete in the Trials of Osiris? The first thing you need to do is visit the Trials vendor in the Reef, Brother Vance – he’ll give you the Trials Passage, which “grants you access to this week’s Trials of Osiris tournament,” as taken from the description in game. The Trials Passage marks each of your wins and losses in the games. You’ll also need a fireteam of 3 to compete in the Trials…the only matchmaking will be to find opponents.

Speaking of opponents, I should say that the Trials of Osiris has the level advantages enabled, like the Iron Banner. The matchmaking is also not skill based, but rather based on location to ensure the best connection for everyone playing. This is done to make the experience the best it can be – plus, its competitive, so you’d want as good a connection as possible.

Oh, and yes, the Trials of Osiris is competitive. Its an elimination-style game mode that takes place on one map per week, with no respawning allowed (except for team revives). Each game is composed of rounds, in which you must kill everyone on the enemy team. Kill everyone, you win the round. Win 5 rounds, you win that match. Sort of like the Call of Duty Search and Destroy, except no bombs. You can win up to 9 matches or lose 3 before the tournament is over – if you win 9 times or lose 3, you must return your Trials Passage to Brother Vance.

There are 3 different buffs you can purchase from Brother Vance to help you out with your games as well: One that awards you a single win right off the bat; one that forgives your first loss, and one that counts your next Trials win as 2 wins. Each of these costs 3 Passage coins.

With this being competitive, there are some nice rewards up for grabs. The rewards packages stay the same each week, but the armor and weapons vary. For 2 wins, you get a Stone Tier prize package (Rare); 3 wins gets you Bronze Tier package (Rare); 5 wins gets you that week’s armor upgrade; 6 wins gets you a Silver Tier package (Legendary); 7 wins gets you that week’s Legendary weapon; 8 wins gets you the Gold Tier package (Legendary). No Exotics will drop from these packages.

Are you excited for the Trials of Osiris? Leave your thoughts below. Grab some friends, or make some off of Destiny LFG, and go kick some Guardian butt!



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