Fallout 4 officially rumored to appear at Bethesda's E3 conference
Building upon the already swirling conjecture that Bethesda would announce Fallout 4 at their inaugural E3 address this June, a German gaming site claims that the title will indeed have a rather large presence at the Entertainment Expo.The site, "PC Games," states that Bethesda will introduce the title at the end of their conference, while a longer, 20-30 minute demo will be reserved behind closed doors.

Building upon the already swirling conjecture that Bethesda would announce Fallout 4 at their inaugural E3 address this June, a German gaming site claims that the title will indeed have a rather large presence at the Entertainment Expo.
The site, “PC Games,” states that Bethesda will introduce the title at the end of their conference, while a longer, 20-30 minute demo will be reserved behind closed doors.
With just over a month to go until Bethesda’s conference on June 14, the rumor mill will certainly continue to churn. Only time will tell if the conference confirms many of the rumors surrounding the title, including the fact that it is supposedly set in Boston.
Are you excited about the possible reveal of Fallout 4? Or are you approaching the conference with caution so you won’t be disappointed? Sound off in the comments below.