Heavensward dungeon crawl and job actions videos

The upcoming expansion, Heavensward, for Final Fantasy XIV is still hiding its specifics, but two new videos from Square provide opportunity for speculation. The upcoming paid expansion is said to drastically increase the content available to players. Previous videos have shown areas of the open world and some of the new gear sets that will be coming with the expansion, but there hasn't been much in the way of a close look at any of the aspects. Square Enix has given us these beautiful sweeping and general reveals as to what to expect of the world, but here we get to at least see some of the finer details.The first video is a dungeon crawl that showcases some of the instanced areas that will be coming in the expansion. Eight different and distinctive dungeons were impressively shown off. To many, this is exciting because there are 12 leveling dungeons in the game currently with 6 additional endgame ones as well as hard versions of the leveling dungeons. Over the course of the Heavensward build, fans are expecting the amount of content to basically match what is already available to players. This trailer is a good indication of that expectation being a possibility. Square Enix's design team has definitely not cut any corners in bringing us immersive settings arguably more beautiful than the content of A Realm Reborn. The video also shows off a music score equally as epic as the environments and exceptionally fitting.

The upcoming expansion, Heavensward, for Final Fantasy XIV is still hiding its specifics, but two new videos from Square provide opportunity for speculation. The upcoming paid expansion is said to drastically increase the content available to players. Previous videos have shown areas of the open world and some of the new gear sets that will be coming with the expansion, but there hasn’t been much in the way of a close look at any of the aspects. Square Enix has given us these beautiful sweeping and general reveals as to what to expect of the world, but here we get to at least see some of the finer details.

The first video is a dungeon crawl that showcases some of the instanced areas that will be coming in the expansion. Eight different and distinctive dungeons were impressively shown off. To many, this is exciting because there are 12 leveling dungeons in the game currently with 6 additional endgame ones as well as hard versions of the leveling dungeons. Over the course of the Heavensward build, fans are expecting the amount of content to basically match what is already available to players. This trailer is a good indication of that expectation being a possibility. Square Enix’s design team has definitely not cut any corners in bringing us immersive settings arguably more beautiful than the content of A Realm Reborn. The video also shows off a music score equally as epic as the environments and exceptionally fitting.

The second video is a first look at many of the new skills that will be coming with the expansion as they are in game. It’s hard to tell exactly, but it looks as though each class will be getting 3 to 4 new skills or “Job Actions.”  It also shows the skills for the three brand new classes: Astrologian, Dark Knight, and Machinist.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is available now for pre-order for the PS3, PS4, and PC and will release on June 23rd with an early access on June 19th.

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