Rock Band 4 live trailer – featuring you?

Rock Band 4 developers, Harmonix, are looking for ordinary folk to appear in a new live action trailer. Shooting starts tomorrow in Seattle (full details below). Though extremely short notice, I imagine they'll be able to find plenty of people willing and able to make it.Over at Harmonix's blog, HMXhenry tells how the trailer will be used to promote the game through to launch, specifically - at e3. That's right, your face could be making  its debut at the biggest gaming event in the world.

Rock Band 4 developers, Harmonix, are looking for ordinary folk to appear in a new live action trailer. Shooting starts tomorrow in Seattle (full details below). Though extremely short notice, I imagine they’ll be able to find plenty of people willing and able to make it.

Over at Harmonix’s blog, HMXhenry tells how the trailer will be used to promote the game through to launch, specifically – at e3. That’s right, your face could be making  its debut at the biggest gaming event in the world.

Interested? Here’s everything you need to know:

* We’re filming our trailer in Seattle, WA Thurs to Saturday May 21-23rd. That is VERY SOON, so please RSVP ASAP!
* Even though we’re shooting over 3 days, you don’t have to show up for all of them. Let us know when you are free!
* We’re mostly filming crowd scenes, but may need a few extras for additional shots.
* This is a 21+ event.
* Participants will be required to sign an NDA (non disclosure agreement) prior to the shoot.
* Participants will be paid AND receive endless bragging rights.
* You may pick up on a few hints of what’s to come in Rock Band 4.
* You’ll get to be a part of Rock Band 4 forever… what are you waiting for?!

So what do you do next?

* RSVP to with your full name and the dates you are available
* Include a picture of yourself, and the casting agency will get back to you with the details.
* The casting agency will contact you with the shooting location in Seattle.
* The casting agency will let you know what kind of clothes to wear for the days you are appearing. Wardrobe will be on hand as well.
* Show up and be your awesome self!

Good luck!

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