Fallout 4's male lead is NOT voiced by Troy Baker

When it was confirmed that Fallout 4's lead characters will be fully voiced for the first time in the series, many thought that Troy Baker was the man responsible for providing the voice of the male lead. He is in every video game ever, after all.Not so, as the actor is in fact Brian T. Delaney. He's not a well-known name in the industry, but he is set to feature in the upcoming Halo 5 Guardians as Roland, so he's not shying away from the big titles.

When it was confirmed that Fallout 4’s lead characters will be fully voiced for the first time in the series, many thought that Troy Baker was the man responsible for providing the voice of the male lead. He is in every video game ever, after all.

Not so, as the actor is in fact Brian T. Delaney. He’s not a well-known name in the industry, but he is set to feature in the upcoming Halo 5 Guardians as Roland, so he’s not shying away from the big titles.

Courtenay Taylor will be the voice actress for the female lead character in Bethesda’s Fallout 4. She is most well known for her work as Jack in the Mass Effect games but also played a number of characters in Fallout New Vegas.

See the tweet below that confirmed who is playing the male/female lead.


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