Mojang's card game Scrolls to cease development

A post on the Scrolls official website has confirmed that Swedish studio Mojang's collectible card game will cease development and see no additional content.The post begins announcing that Echoes, last month's expansion to the CCG that added 60 fresh scrolls to the game "will be the last major content patch for Scrolls." Mojang's team will continue to monitor the game, but the developer states that it "won’t be adding features or sets from now on."

A post on the Scrolls official website has confirmed that Swedish studio Mojang’s collectible card game will cease development and see no additional content.

The post begins announcing that Echoes, last month’s expansion to the CCG that added 60 fresh scrolls to the game “will be the last major content patch for Scrolls.” Mojang’s team will continue to monitor the game, but the developer states that it “won’t be adding features or sets from now on.”

According to their post, Scrolls will continue to be purchasable, and any future proceeds will go towards “keeping Scrolls playable for as long as possible,” with the view of keeping servers online till at least July 1st, 2016 (a year from now).

The overall tone of Mojang’s decision is genuinely poignant, and a large part of the latter half of their brief message is dedicated to thanking their fans. They state firmly that they “appreciate every last player who’s downloaded our game,” going on to discuss their gratitude of players who have remained active from beta to today who will undoubtedly be upset with their decision which has come after “much deliberation.”

It seems a serious shame for Scrolls to be going out of development purely because, in Mojang’s words, it “has reached a point where it can no longer sustain continuous development.” The game met with generally well-favoured reviews and was praised for a unique combination of board game and card game elements. However, in the ever-changing gaming landscape, things can go from good to bad almost instantly, and it seems Scrolls just never quite picked up the popularity it needed.

Nevertheless, fans of Mojang’s work will no doubt stick with Scrolls until its undetermined closing, and can also look forward to whatever else they make off the back of their Minecraft powerhouse; there’s only so many things you can make out of blocks before you make a new IP, after all.


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