Mount the beasts of Thesdas with Spoils of the Avvar, released today
This week Bioware released their second single player DLC pack for Dragon Age Inquisition, Spoils of the Avvar. The latest pack will add five new mounts to the game as well as more customization options for the Inquisitor's castle of Skyhold.

This week Bioware released their second single player DLC pack for Dragon Age Inquisition, Spoils of the Avvar. The latest pack will add five new mounts to the game as well as more customization options for the Inquisitor’s castle of Skyhold.
Along with the mounts there will be two new customization options for Skyhold as well as more unique armor sets for your party to don and show everyone in Thedas that the Inquisition is a force to be reckoned with.
According to the Origin store description for Spoils of the Avvar players can; “Suit up for the fight with two sets of unique armor as loot and schematics to protect yourself and give your party an advantage against your enemies.”
Though no official announcement has been made, Bioware have teased at more single player focused DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Are you a fan of Dragon Age? What would you like to see happen to the Inquisition next? Let us know in the comments below.