Retro City Rampage being ported to MS-DOS PCs

The GTA inspired Retro City Rampage is being ported to MS-DOS PCs.  VBlank Entertainment announced, on Facebook, that the game was being ported to run on a system that was released 33 years ago in 1981.

The GTA inspired Retro City Rampage is being ported to MS-DOS PCs.  VBlank Entertainment announced, on Facebook, that the game was being ported to run on a system that was released 33 years ago in 1981.

According to the post, uploaded to Facebook, the port won’t require much at all.  “It runs on old 486 PCs and requires 4MB of RAM, 3.7MB of HDD space.”  Owners of Retro City Rampage on Mac and PC will be able to pick up the port free of charge.

The port will not omit anything that the original game had and will include all the same features.  Developer VBlank wrote, “It proudly demonstrates once again that RCR isn’t yet-another-retro-styled game, but something that could’ve actually been released in 1989”

Retro City Rampage has been released across many platforms.  It is currently available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PS Vita, PC, Xbox 360, 3DS and Wii.  There’s also a prototype Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) port of the game that VBlank have created.

Are you a fan of RCR?  What would you like to see it on next?  Let us know in the comments below.

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