The art of World of Warcraft 2015

The Warcraft universe celebrated it's 20th anniversary last year and it has been 10 years since the launch of World of Warcraft. Throughout the years certain collector's edition game releases have come with a concept art book with early pictures, drawings and information about the look and feel of the game. This year Blizzard is releasing The Art of World of Warcraft for everyone and rather than being based on just one expansion solely, this edition covers the whole game from Vanilla to Warlord's of Draenor.The book will take you through the original game and each of the expansion with concept artwork and designs and in depth interviews with key members of the development team. "Including never-before-seen art from the latest World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor, The Art of World of Warcraft contains hundreds of drawings and pieces of concept art, forming the ultimate tribute to the epic gaming franchise", from the Amazon description.

The Warcraft universe celebrated it’s 20th anniversary last year and it has been 10 years since the launch of World of Warcraft. Throughout the years certain collector’s edition game releases have come with a concept art book with early pictures, drawings and information about the look and feel of the game. This year Blizzard is releasing The Art of World of Warcraft for everyone and rather than being based on just one expansion solely, this edition covers the whole game from Vanilla to Warlord’s of Draenor.

The book will take you through the original game and each of the expansion with concept artwork and designs and in depth interviews with key members of the development team. “Including never-before-seen art from the latest World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor, The Art of World of Warcraft contains hundreds of drawings and pieces of concept art, forming the ultimate tribute to the epic gaming franchise”, from the Amazon description.

It’s out on June 16th and you can pre order your copy from Amazon right here, it’s not going to be the cheapest book in anyone’s collection but I bet it will be an interesting read.

“Simply put if you played World of Warcraft for any great length of time or are an aficionado of fantasy art The Art of World of Warcraft is for you. It is 224 pages of pure beauty celebrating one of the longer lived and certainly one of the most popular games of all time.”
Northwest Cable News Online

“It’s an absolutely stunning piece of work that demonstrates and showcases the incredible imaginations and skills of its creators and developers.”
Boyce McClain Collectors’ Corner

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