Top 10 Best Plays – 2015 NA LCS Summer Week 4

Here are the top plays from week 4 of the North American Summer Split.It's always fun to watch the top plays, because you get to see what awesome skills they all have and how amazing their teamwork is. Videos like these and players like these make you strive to be a better League player.

Here are the top plays from week 4 of the North American Summer Split.

It’s always fun to watch the top plays, because you get to see what awesome skills they all have and how amazing their teamwork is. Videos like these and players like these make you strive to be a better League player.

The #2 play shows CLG’s Doublelift getting a penta kill against C9 with a broken finger. It’s not too shabby, to say the least! Not everyone gets a pentakill in the LCS, so this one was pretty sweet.

TSM’s match against Team Liquid was pretty neat in the #1 top play of the week position. It came down to a 3v1 against piglet, which TSM nearly lost their lives for.

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