Doctor Who is coming to Lego Dimensions

The popularity of Lego games have been on the rise recently and we are now being introduced to Lego Dimensions, featuring some familiar faces such as Batman, Homer Simpson and characters from Doctor Who.Seen in the trailer above, we have some Daleks, with audio taken from the series, along with previous regenerations of the Doctor. Jenna Coleman (who played 11 and 12's companions, Clara Oswald), is also lending her voice to the game.

The popularity of Lego games have been on the rise recently and we are now being introduced to Lego Dimensions, featuring some familiar faces such as Batman, Homer Simpson and characters from Doctor Who.

Seen in the trailer above, we have some Daleks, with audio taken from the series, along with previous regenerations of the Doctor. Jenna Coleman (who played 11 and 12’s companions, Clara Oswald), is also lending her voice to the game.

When you die, you will regenerate as the first Doctor and cycle through the entire series. There is even a jukebox on the TARDIS that lets you switch themes per Doctor!

Lego Dimensions comes out this September for PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and WII U.


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