Hololens showcased for potential uses in medicine

The Microsoft Hololens has been making waves since it's reveal at E3 this year as the first augmented reality headset to be applied to much more than gaming. The public wasn't able to see much of how the headset works, but over the months we've seen more of the real world application rather than only their plans for video games.In addition to news of it being used on the International Space Station we are now seeing the Hololens' applications  in medicine and study in general. The video below is new from Case Western Reserve University showing exactly how the augmented reality works. The area that is actually affected by the augmented view is the middle of the lens as you can see at the 1:25 mark. Studying the parts of the body in new ways and maybe in the future allowing for full "hands-on" holographic surgery practice, allowing students to learn by gaining practical experience without risk of failure.

The Microsoft Hololens has been making waves since it’s reveal at E3 this year as the first augmented reality headset to be applied to much more than gaming. The public wasn’t able to see much of how the headset works, but over the months we’ve seen more of the real world application rather than only their plans for video games.

In addition to news of it being used on the International Space Station we are now seeing the Hololens’ applications  in medicine and study in general. The video below is new from Case Western Reserve University showing exactly how the augmented reality works. The area that is actually affected by the augmented view is the middle of the lens as you can see at the 1:25 mark. Studying the parts of the body in new ways and maybe in the future allowing for full “hands-on” holographic surgery practice, allowing students to learn by gaining practical experience without risk of failure.

Learning some of the toughest subjects may get a whole lot easier in the near future if these sorts of technologies are implemented for those who are more visual learners to begin with.

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