Marvel characters and more gameplay has been revealed for Lego Marvel Avengers
For those of you who are a fan of Marvel or just a fan of Legos you can rejoice as this new trailer has surfaced from the San Diego Comic-Con (which we all wish we were at).

For those of you who are a fan of Marvel or just a fan of Legos you can rejoice as this new trailer has surfaced from the San Diego Comic-Con (which we all wish we were at).
Although the panel told the audience there that there would be hundreds of playable characters they have only truly confirmed a small handful of them. The 100% confirmed characters besides of course the core Avengers from the Marvel movies and many of the side characters such as Quicksilver are:
-Playable Stan Lee with “Stanbuster” and “Iron Stan” armor
-Sam Wilson as Captain America
-America Chavez
Other than those we are fairly in the dark about what all is going to wind up being in this game although I am rather excited for this game just I have been for every single Lego game that has ever been put out because all of them have been fantastic thus far. While the game will focus more on the movies than Lego: Marvel Super Heroes did it will still have a lot of free roaming to it. The game has an impressive line up of consoles, coming to Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlasyStation Vita, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, and PC. While there is no official release date we do know the game will show up some time this Winter so be on the look out for it!