Rumor: XCOM: Enemy Unknown Plus spotted online for PlayStation Vita

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a strategy title for PC and last-gen consoles. Now, we may be seeing the title come to the PlayStation Vita.Evidence is pointing to a PlayStation Vita port of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, entitled XCOM: Enemy Unknown Plus, being on the way. An entry on the Korean video game rating board site lists a recently released rating for the game. The game was submitted by Take Two Interactive, the parent company of publisher 2K Games, the publisher of Enemy Unknown.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a strategy title for PC and last-gen consoles. Now, we may be seeing the title come to the PlayStation Vita.

Evidence is pointing to a PlayStation Vita port of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, entitled XCOM: Enemy Unknown Plus, being on the way. An entry on the Korean video game rating board site lists a recently released rating for the game. The game was submitted by Take Two Interactive, the parent company of publisher 2K Games, the publisher of Enemy Unknown.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown originally released in 2012 for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and portable. The game received great praise, with an expansion pack titled Enemy Within releasing the following year, introducing new gameplay elements to the base game. A sequel, entitled XCOM 2, is in development, and is set to release this November.

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