Satoru Iwata is remembered by the creator of Smash Bros

As you most likely know by now, the video game world was saddened to hear of the tragic loss of Nintendo President, Satoru Iwata. The innovator was responsible for many of Nintendo's recent successes, such as the Wii, which brought the company into its most prosperous time period in its existence.In a column by Famitsu and later translated by Kotaku, the creator of Super Smash Bros, Masahiro Sakurai, shared his thoughts and feelings on late president. "My mind went white and even now the reality hasn’t sunk in," he stated. Sakurai went on to say that Iwata was a brilliant man loved to help other employees' ideas come to life and always did it with a smile. He also stated that even as president, Iwata made sure to treat everyone with the same respect and as equals.

As you most likely know by now, the video game world was saddened to hear of the tragic loss of Nintendo President, Satoru Iwata. The innovator was responsible for many of Nintendo’s recent successes, such as the Wii, which brought the company into its most prosperous time period in its existence.

In a column by Famitsu and later translated by Kotaku, the creator of Super Smash Bros, Masahiro Sakurai, shared his thoughts and feelings on late president. “My mind went white and even now the reality hasn’t sunk in,” he stated. Sakurai went on to say that Iwata was a brilliant man loved to help other employees’ ideas come to life and always did it with a smile. He also stated that even as president, Iwata made sure to treat everyone with the same respect and as equals.

The loss of Satoru Iwata is one that will take a toll on the video game world for some time, but if he is remembered by Sakurai and other developers, then his spirit and ideals will live on.

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