TI5 Secret Shop content revealed

True to the customary TI spirit, TI5 will have a Secret Shop again just like the previous years and all the merchandise has been revealed for all to see and drool over including shirts with amazing fan art, plush, hats, mugs, mouse pads, exclusive TI5 keyboard and so much more. The Secret Shop is a stall usually 'hidden' at the event that participants can go to and buy merchandise and paraphernalia. The entire catalogue can be found here.

True to the customary TI spirit, TI5 will have a Secret Shop again just like the previous years and all the merchandise has been revealed for all to see and drool over including shirts with amazing fan art, plush, hats, mugs, mouse pads, exclusive TI5 keyboard and so much more. The Secret Shop is a stall usually ‘hidden’ at the event that participants can go to and buy merchandise and paraphernalia. The entire catalogue can be found here.

Currently, you may pre-order some of these fine products so that if you’re attending the event, you could pick it up whilst you are there. If like the majority of people, you aren’t attending TI5, you’ll have to pray and hope that cool looking Death Prophet vinyl figure isn’t sold out after the event.

Further, many of the merchandise on sale in the Secret Shop will come with a digital code for various different treasures you can unlock in-game for in-game items. These in-game items are actually new ‘treasure cache’ that will contain even more Immortal treasures. Yup, it’s not over yet. The new treasure chests will be called “Trove Carafe and Imbued Lockless Luckvases. A 3rd item that you can get from buying merchandise from the secret shop is the “Imbued Sculptor’s Pillar” which is a chest that contain digitally autographed items by the various players within the scene. For now, and fans will continue to sit in the dark until the tournament’s commencement in 3 weeks time.

With an extraordinary amount of content, you best watch your wallets, Valve’s out to tease your money out with all this tantalizing merchandise! If you have a ticket to The International 5, let us know and if you’ll be purchasing some of the merch!


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