Toro among new Playstation games released this week

New games this week feature a new shooter, an iconic shooter, and bulls!Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved - Th PS Vita version of this timeless classic allows players to battle through over 100 3D levels and 40 challenges. If only your high school geometry class featured bright colors and flashing lights.

New games this week feature a new shooter, an iconic shooter, and bulls!

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved – Th PS Vita version of this timeless classic allows players to battle through over 100 3D levels and 40 challenges. If only your high school geometry class featured bright colors and flashing lights.

Rocket League – Think of FIFA mixed with some Halo 3 rocket race, and then add some more madness and you’ll get Rocket League. This soccer-like game features a variety of different vehicles in weapons to help you score goals against your opponent.

Toro – Blood, sweat, and horns are all that matter in the bullfighting simulator Toro. Ever wonder what it’s like to have a half-ton beast with horns baring down on you? Now’s your chance. Fight in some of the worlds most famous bullrings and test your reflexes against these horned monsters.

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