Destiny's new multiplayer mode to be broadcast today

Bungie will shortly be broadcasting a livestream unveiling the first playthrough of one of Destiny's upcoming multiplayer modes.Due to be broadcast at 1PM EST/6PM BST, Bungie will be showing off the new Rift multiplayer mode for the first time to fans in a livestream in partnership with Red Bull. The event will be hosted by Bungie's community manager "Deej" and lead designer Lars Bakken.

Bungie will shortly be broadcasting a livestream unveiling the first playthrough of one of Destiny’s upcoming multiplayer modes.

Due to be broadcast at 1PM EST/6PM BST, Bungie will be showing off the new Rift multiplayer mode for the first time to fans in a livestream in partnership with Red Bull. The event will be hosted by Bungie’s community manager “Deej” and lead designer Lars Bakken.

Partaking in the stream showing off Rift will be professional Destiny Mike Chaves, also known by Flamesword. Chaves will also be squaring off against other prominent professional Destiny players, including Holtzmann, nKuch, Datto, Mtashed, KJHovey, Clout, FizZoR and tripleWRECK.

The event will be broadcast live on Bungie’s Twitch channel from the Red Bull eSports studios in Santa Monica, and is an extension of the partnership between the game developers and the energy drink company, which brought about the exclusive Taken King mission for anyone who got a code from a Red Bull drink.

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