Happy Wheels on iOS does quite well for itself on the App Store

The internet sensation Happy Wheels was released on iOS a few weeks ago and it has been sitting comfortably at the top of the gaming app chart for a while. Fancy Force's port of the browser game to the iOS features it's own version with 15 company made levels per character. Currently, only the 'Business Guy' is available with the rest of the cast of characters on their way to the iOS.

The internet sensation Happy Wheels was released on iOS a few weeks ago and it has been sitting comfortably at the top of the gaming app chart for a while. Fancy Force’s port of the browser game to the iOS features it’s own version with 15 company made levels per character. Currently, only the ‘Business Guy’ is available with the rest of the cast of characters on their way to the iOS.

If you’re not too sure what Happy Wheels is; it’s a physics based, gore-filled platformer of sorts where you traverse the levels generated by the developer or fans (on the browser version only). It got a huge amount of traction when many let’s players and youtubers played the game.

Having tried the game just a bit, I can say the game runs smoothly so far and since it’s a free to play game it has advertisements. The ads however are done quite tastefully and not too in your face too often. From booting up the game on my iPhone, it appeared to only have ads displayed at the end of the level and during restart loading times where a small thin bar at the top. A big featured ad was displayed just once after beating a level for the first time upon booting up the game. No ads displayed at all during the levels and so didn’t hamper the platforming. Also while I mention loading screen, it’s not an absurdly long loading screen so there’s no concerns there.

As mentioned the iOS version of the game does not have a user generated content as the level editor does not exist. The decision for this and the progression of added content is due to simply wanting the base game to come out on the app store without any drama on the content such as children being mutilated or level creators being able to create profane levels. There is hope for the game to receive a level editor eventually but he’s testing the waters for now.

Overall the game’s appearance on the iOS was a great move for Fancy Force and still respects the consumer by not being overbearing with advertisements. There will be updates to include more levels for each of the playable characters in due time. It’s free on the app store so if you’re in for a time waster with some blood and gore, I would definitely suggest Happy Wheels for some mindless time wasting.

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