Jurassic World writer working on King Kong spinoff

Derek Connolly, a writer for the recently released Jurassic World movie, will be helping with the upcoming King Kong movie, Kong: Skull Island.

Derek Connolly, a writer for the recently released Jurassic World movie, will be helping with the upcoming King Kong movie, Kong: Skull Island.

Connolly is the most recent writer to be brought into the project which has, so far, seen a number of writers come and go.  Dan Gilroy of Nightcrawler, John Gatins of Flight, and Max Borenstein Godzilla are some of the writer’s who’ve already worked on the project.

At this time it is unknown if Connolly will be rewriting the script from scratch or polishing an already drafted version.

Production for the movie is due to begin in October.

As the title suggests the movie will take place on the home of the giant ape and, hopefully, will see the ‘Eight Wonder of the world’ appearing in some form or another.

The movie is set to be released in March 2017.

Does the project sound good to you?  What would you like to see from this Kong movie?  Let us know in the comments below.

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