No Minecraft sequel anytime soon

We won't be getting a Minecraft sequel anytime soon, says Mojang.After Xbox boss Phil Spencer confirmed there were no plans to push for a sequel following Microsoft's acquisition of the Swedish studio, we were nevertheless scared Minecraft would be milked for all its worth.

We won’t be getting a Minecraft sequel anytime soon, says Mojang.

After Xbox boss Phil Spencer confirmed there were no plans to push for a sequel following Microsoft’s acquisition of the Swedish studio, we were nevertheless scared Minecraft would be milked for all its worth.

Jonas Martensson (Mojang CEO) spoke to IGN, stating “”First of all, there’s been no discussions about Minecraft 2 at the moment.” Although this doesn’t mean we won’t see an update at the some point in the future.

Martensson added that he “can’t promise forever there’ll never be a Minecraft 2, but for the foreseeable future there won’t be.” The CEO went on to explain that he expected Minecraft in its current form to be supported until at least 2020.

Microsoft Game studios’ GM Matt Booty explained there’s never been a sequel discussion because Minecraft is constantly being updated and shaped as it’s played. He agrees with Martensson, stating the way to think about it is more to do with continual updates and a continual process.”

So, for now at least, expect the game to continue its development as it currently runs. The PC version will get some new ideas or mods and then as these are deemed fit they will trickle down to the console and handheld versions.

If there was to be a Minecraft sequel, what would you want to see in it? Perhaps a move to Nintendo consoles?

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