Preorder Black Ops 3 to get access to Nuk3town

Activision and Treyarch announced today that every preorder of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 will come with launch access to the new Nuk3town map.Last week, a leak revealed a new map for Black Ops 3 called "Nuk3town," an obvious play on the series staple, "Nuketown." Following the leak, it was officially announced, though none of the other leaks or "discoveries" from last week have been confirmed as of yet.

Activision and Treyarch announced today that every preorder of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 will come with launch access to the new Nuk3town map.

Last week, a leak revealed a new map for Black Ops 3 called “Nuk3town,” an obvious play on the series staple, “Nuketown.” Following the leak, it was officially announced, though none of the other leaks or “discoveries” from last week have been confirmed as of yet.

For anyone who has already preordered Black Ops 3, all physical preorders will come with a code in the box, and all digital preorders will automatically include Nuk3town in the download, so you haven’t missed your chance.

The map promises to be an update that caters to the new traversal movement system being introduced in the game, and the concept art looks to be very sci-fi compared to what it usually looks like.

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