Red Ash falls short of its Kickstarter goal

Comcept's Red Ash Kickstarter has come to a close raking in $520,000 of its $800,000 goal, this raised by a total of 6,550 backers. The campaign that closed on August 3rd was supposed to be a Mega Man Legends successor.Don't despair if you're one of those that wanted passionately for Red Ash to be reality. The game will still be released as some funding from FUZE Entertainment will mean the game will be coming out possibly in 2017. However, as the Kickstarter campaign fell short of meeting the $800,000 goal, this means some things that were promised will not be able to make it into the final game.

Comcept’s Red Ash Kickstarter has come to a close raking in $520,000 of its $800,000 goal, this raised by a total of 6,550 backers. The campaign that closed on August 3rd was supposed to be a Mega Man Legends successor.

Don’t despair if you’re one of those that wanted passionately for Red Ash to be reality. The game will still be released as some funding from FUZE Entertainment will mean the game will be coming out possibly in 2017. However, as the Kickstarter campaign fell short of meeting the $800,000 goal, this means some things that were promised will not be able to make it into the final game.

Tyger (above) will not be available as a playable character, there will also be no challenge dungeon and a special post game epilogue starring Gofer and Call will not make it into the final product.

The Red Ash animation however has met its goal and will release as planned, raising $162,882 by 1,869 backers. For more information on the animation titled Red Ash Magicicada, go here.

The game should be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, the exact date however is unknown.

Red Ash Falls Short Of $800,000 Kickstarter Goal [Siliconera]

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