Team17 to publish Yooka-Laylee

The kickstarted Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor, Yooka-Laylee will be published by Team17. The publisher is best known for creating the Worms series and recently published indie titles Beyond Eyes and The Escapists. Team17 has said they will be looking into publishing physical copies as well as handling digital publishing.Debbie Bestwick, managing director at Team17, said, “There is a large demand for a physical game, Playtonic took the decision not to include this in the Kickstarter for the very reason that it could impact on development and at the time of their Kickstarter it would have been a big risk. Team17 has lots of experience in physical and will share ideas and opportunities with Playtonic - so absolutely we will be looking into it.”

The kickstarted Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor, Yooka-Laylee will be published by Team17. The publisher is best known for creating the Worms series and recently published indie titles Beyond Eyes and The Escapists. Team17 has said they will be looking into publishing physical copies as well as handling digital publishing.

Debbie Bestwick, managing director at Team17, said, “There is a large demand for a physical game, Playtonic took the decision not to include this in the Kickstarter for the very reason that it could impact on development and at the time of their Kickstarter it would have been a big risk. Team17 has lots of experience in physical and will share ideas and opportunities with Playtonic – so absolutely we will be looking into it.”

Developer Playtonic Games released an update to backers on Kickstarter explaining details of the partnership. The developer noted that they still maintain total creative control over the game. Team17 is simply there to help with the “boring-but-necessary business stuff”.

Yooka-Laylee will come to PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U in October 2016.

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