World of Warcraft hotfixes for August 2015

Here is a list of all the hotfixes implemented in World of Warcraft over August:August 25

Here is a list of all the hotfixes implemented in World of Warcraft over August:

August 25

Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
Fixed an issue where Archimonde was not spawning on Raid Finder difficulty.
Defeating Archimonde on Raid Finder should no longer prevent players from being eligible to obtain Crystallized Fel if they defeat Archimonde again later that week on Normal, Heroic, or Mythic difficulty.

August 21
Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
[Requires a realm restart] Corrected an issue that could cause players to die outright instead of having their souls devoured when suffering multiple simultaneous fatal damage events.
Fel Lord Zakuun
Cloven Soul now provides a 4-second immunity to Wake of Destruction right after it’s been applied to the player.

August 17
Raids and Dungeons
Loot Buff for Call to Arms
Savage Satchel of Cooperation, awarded for completing a class role that’s in demand through Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder received a boost to its contents.
Increased the amount of gold awarded by over 200%!
The satchel now has a chance for additional Baleful tokens, Empowered Apexis Fragment, and Medallion of the Legion.
Hellfire Citadel
Omnus’s Singularity damage can now be reduced by damage reduction effects on Raid Finder difficulty.

Annihilator should no longer have a chance to trigger its on hit effect on targets that are above level 63.
Fixed an issue where Rancorbite Mail Agility 4-piece set bonus was not correctly scaling its damage down in Timewalking dungeons.

August 14
Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
Hellfire High Council
Dia Darkwhisper’s Darkness now lasts 15 seconds.
Dispelling Dia Darkwhisper’s Mark of the Necromancer during Nightmare Visage should no longer incorrectly cause Burden of the Necromancer to deal more damage.
Dia Darkwhisper will no longer cast Mark of the Necromancer during her final cast of Reap.
Fel Lord Zakuun

Fel Lord Zakuun no longer targets non-players with Wake of Destruction.

Players waiting to be resurrected at the center graveyard will now be teleported to their faction’s base if the center graveyard becomes neutral.

Mastery: Illuminated Healing should now correctly have its damage absorption reduced by Dampening.

August 11
Challenge of the Masters: Warlord Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade should no longer get stuck in evade mode.

Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
Hellfire High Council
Dia Darkwhisper should now use her Mark of the Necromancer and Reap abilities more consistently.
Omnus’s Singularity damage can now be reduced by damage reduction effects on Normal and Heroic difficulty. Note: A separate hotfix is in the works for this to also apply to Raid Finder difficulty.

August 7
Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
Fel Lord Zakuun

Wake of Destruction should no longer multistrike and should not scale with the caster’s damage modifiers.

The following battle standards are no longer usable in a rated PvP environment.
Hand of the Prophet Battle Standard
Vol’jin’s Headhunters Battle Standard
Order of the Awakened Battle Standard
Saberstalkers Battle Standard

August 6
Seer Kazal is now easier to locate in Horde Garrisons during the appropriate bonus events.
Garrison Campaign
Destroying the Competition: Players that have abandoned and reacquired the quest should now be able to complete it.
Increased the respawn timer for Ancient Artifact.
Bug Fix
Fixed an issue that could case players to be unable to teleport or log out after being dismounted from a multi-passenger mount.

August 5
Talonpriest Ishaal’s Last Rites ability should now correctly be considered a stun effect. The effect lasts 3 seconds when used against other players, and shares diminishing returns with other stun effects.

Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
Hellfire High Council
Dia Darkwhisper’s Mark of the Necromancer now deals 20% less damage. Additionally, applications of Mark of the Necromancer can no longer be delayed.

Sanctus, Sigil of the Unbroken’s on-use ability has been doubled in effectiveness and now grants 50% to Versatility (up from 25%) on the base ring.

August 3
Naval Missions
An Expert Captain threat can now be fully countered by 2 Pandaren Crews or 2 assist ship equipment (Ammo Reserves, Automated Sky Scanner, Extra Quarters, Noisemaker Mines, and Sonic Amplification Field).
Legendary Ring Quest Line
[Hotfix in testing] Master vs. Commander: Fixed an issue that could cause legendary naval missions needed to obtain a Draenic Sea Chart to not show up correctly.
Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
Corrected an issue where bonus roll loot tables for Tyrant Velhari and Fel Lord Zakuun’s got swapped on Raid Finder difficulty.
Kilrogg Deadeye

Health of adds for the encounter have been reduced by roughly 20% for raid groups with 10 players on Normal and Heroic difficulty. This should help with the difficulty experienced by smaller raid groups losing their DPS when sending players down into the death phase. The health of adds scales back up and should be remain roughly unchanged from before as raid group size increases.

Players who die to Digest or from fatal damage while in the stomach phase in the Gorefiend encounter should now be able to be resurrected once their bodies are teleported back outside.
Fixed an issue that could incorrectly cause player pet health to increase while in the center lane in Ashran.
Reduced the chance to obtain bonus Felblight.
Naval Siege Specialist: Fixed an issue where certain naval siege missions wasn’t granting credit towards the achievement.
Armor Sets
Tier-18 4-piece set bonus for Mistweaver Monks now also works on friendly non-player targets as well.

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