Xbox One getting Sim City-inspired Cities: Skylines
During the Microsoft press conference at Gamescom it was announced that Cities: Skylines is coming to consoles, and first to Xbox One.The city-building game, which is heavily inspired by the SimCity series, was released originally on PC back in March. It will make it's console debut on Xbox One, however the release date is yet to be announced. It's one of the first games that publisher Paradox has brought to consoles. The studio have also brought Magicka 2 to PlayStation 4 but otherwise they've stuck to PC.

During the Microsoft press conference at Gamescom it was announced that Cities: Skylines is coming to consoles, and first to Xbox One.
The city-building game, which is heavily inspired by the SimCity series, was released originally on PC back in March. It will make it’s console debut on Xbox One, however the release date is yet to be announced. It’s one of the first games that publisher Paradox has brought to consoles. The studio have also brought Magicka 2 to PlayStation 4 but otherwise they’ve stuck to PC.
Since it’s original release Cities: Skylines, which was developed by Finnish developers Colossal Order, has done brilliantly in sales, after only a month it had passed the million mark and still continues to rack even more sales. It did so well, in fact, that Paradox has been ‘surprised’ by the games success. Skylines has also been supported by free DLC, including maps and buildings.
Keep your eye on Gamespresso for upcoming news regarding the rest of Gamescom’s announcements and press conferences this week.