Metal Gear Solid 5 patch fixes bugs

Metal Gear Solid 5's save corrupting bug was fixed, at least, for the PS4 and PC.A week ago, it was known that having Quiet with you in two certain mission could possibly corrupt your save data. The bug was patched for the PS4 and the PC.

Metal Gear Solid 5‘s save corrupting bug was fixed, at least, for the PS4 and PC.

A week ago, it was known that having Quiet with you in two certain mission could possibly corrupt your save data. The bug was patched for the PS4 and the PC.

Before the patch, Konami stated the cause of the bug, and how to avoid it. One way was to avoid using Quiet during missions Episodes 29 and 42. Konami later said,

The bug is triggered only under certain circumstances in Episode 29 or Episode 42 when Quiet is used as your buddy. However, you may still safely use Quiet in these missions if you use the Butterfly Emblem throughout the mission or avoid raising your Bond Level with Quiet to MAX during the course of the mission.

Konami announced the bug was fixed in a tweet. It is unclear when the bug will be patched on other consoles, but it will mostly likely be soon. The patch may possibly fix the corrupted save data of those who experienced the bug first hand.

On another note, Metal Gear Solid V‘s daily log in bonuses have increased, and will last till the end of the Tokyo Game Show. The show begins September 17th, and ends on September 20th.

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