Blizzard to improve Heroes of the Storm matchmaking

Blizzard have enjoyed a good launch for their debut title in the MOBA world, Heroes of the Storm, and now after coming under some criticism from players, the matchmaking system for looking for matches is getting an overhaul. In a recent post on the Blizzard forum, community manager, Trikslyr, responded to complaints that the matchmaking system doesn't work as well as it should.He said "There are a couple of changes we’re implementing in a future patch to make steps toward our ongoing goal of improving matchmaking in Heroes:

Blizzard have enjoyed a good launch for their debut title in the MOBA world, Heroes of the Storm, and now after coming under some criticism from players, the matchmaking system for looking for matches is getting an overhaul. In a recent post on the Blizzard forum, community manager, Trikslyr, responded to complaints that the matchmaking system doesn’t work as well as it should.

He said “There are a couple of changes we’re implementing in a future patch to make steps toward our ongoing goal of improving matchmaking in Heroes:

A couple of bug fixes to help the matchmaker identify players that are closer in skill, hopefully resulting in more even matches, increasing the maximum wait time in queue to 10 minutes and system improvements.

Do note, these are not the only changes we’ll be implementing. We’ve got some more alterations in development that will continue to be released, the moment they’re ready, to help us further tune matchmaking. Some of the changes will be focused on:

Improving matches at high skill levels, improve the New User experience and adjustments to make sure players in matches are close in experience, not just MMR”.

The post by Trikslyr comes in response to fantastic analysis of the current state of the matchmaking system from top Heroes of the Storm player, Srey. Check his post here.

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