Cube World releases new song

When you hear about In Development games gone wrong, its hard not to think of Cube World.First conceived during the height of the crafting genre's popularity (a sub-genre of RPG) and it looked promising. Anytime the Alpha access would go up for sale in the store - around $20 - the store would crash and many would miss out on purchasing access to the game.

When you hear about In Development games gone wrong, its hard not to think of Cube World.

First conceived during the height of the crafting genre’s popularity (a sub-genre of RPG) and it looked promising. Anytime the Alpha access would go up for sale in the store – around $20 – the store would crash and many would miss out on purchasing access to the game.

Its been over a year since Wol_lay has communicated almost anything to those that purchased Alpha access to the game, and that still hasn’t changed except for a small song.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

The Druids of Mana, as its been called, could easily fit into the world. If we ever seen an update. Its been 2 years since paid Alpha access released, and we have yet to see one major update. Either way, perhaps the new song will bring players back to the game.

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