EA exec condemns HD remakes and backwards compatibility

Rereleases and remasters have been a touchy subject lately as it seems more and more last-gen games are getting put out on store shelves again, but this time with a current-gen coat of paint. One company that seems to not have any interest in remakes however is EA.“It feels like pushing stuff out because you’ve run out of ideas,” EA COO Peter Moore told IGN. “Remakes, because of who we are, and this broad portfolio of intellectual property...you add all that together, I don’t know where we find the time to do remakes… We’re a company that just likes to push forward.”

Rereleases and remasters have been a touchy subject lately as it seems more and more last-gen games are getting put out on store shelves again, but this time with a current-gen coat of paint. One company that seems to not have any interest in remakes however is EA.

“It feels like pushing stuff out because you’ve run out of ideas,” EA COO Peter Moore told IGN. “Remakes, because of who we are, and this broad portfolio of intellectual property…you add all that together, I don’t know where we find the time to do remakes… We’re a company that just likes to push forward.”

Explaining further, Moore continued, “For a lot of companies, remakes are a way to drive revenue. It’s sub-cost, it’s an IP that’s there, you can remaster, and that’s great. We don’t do that here. I don’t think that’s ever been in our culture.”

In the same vein, Moore also took a chance to address the push for backwards compatibility, saying, “In the old days, backward compatibility was to convince your mom to buy the new console — not that you were ever going to use it. Once you got it? Those things went in the drawer, or on eBay.”

This comes as a particularly stinking remark given Microsoft’s recent commitment to backwards compatibility, a feature for the Xbox One they announced back in June at E3.

Curious about some of the recent remasters and rereleases Moore is referring to? Check out our reviews for The Nathan Drake Collection, Gears of War Ultimate Edition, and Rare Replay. And to hear an opposite opinion check out one of our features, discussing just why rereleases are so important.

What do you think of EA’s position on rereleases? Sad that it pretty much guarantees there won’t be a Mass Effect Trilogy on current-gen consoles? Let us know in the comments.

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