Rooster Teeth announces RWBY: Grimm Eclipse on its way to Steam Greenlight

EDIT: The game has been greenlit on Steam thanks to the overwhelming support of fans.Starting as a fan project by independent developer Jordan Scott; Rooster Teeth has finally shown off footage and announced that RWBY: Grimm Eclipse is on Steam Greenlight right now to be voted. Pulled into the limelight from a mere fan project demo by the late Monty Oum, RWBY: Grimm Eclipse was officially announced as a full game with the full support of Rooster Teeth on the RTX 2014 RWBY panel. From then, the game had been in full development and was available to play at RTX 2015. Since the initial announcement, the development team saw the addition of Michael Hadwin, Abe Robertson, Casey Donnellan and Brian Riley.

EDIT: The game has been greenlit on Steam thanks to the overwhelming support of fans.

Starting as a fan project by independent developer Jordan Scott; Rooster Teeth has finally shown off footage and announced that RWBY: Grimm Eclipse is on Steam Greenlight right now to be voted. Pulled into the limelight from a mere fan project demo by the late Monty Oum, RWBY: Grimm Eclipse was officially announced as a full game with the full support of Rooster Teeth on the RTX 2014 RWBY panel. From then, the game had been in full development and was available to play at RTX 2015. Since the initial announcement, the development team saw the addition of Michael Hadwin, Abe Robertson, Casey Donnellan and Brian Riley.

RWBY: Grimm Eclipse is an action adventure role-playing hack-n-slash game in a similar vein to a combination of Dynasty Warriors and Kingdom Hearts. You’ll be playing 4 player online co-op amongst the 4 team RWBY girls: Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang. As you kill the various Grimm within the various familiar and new areas of the series, you’ll progress and get to level up skill trees for the playable character. Much like in Dynasty Warriors, you’ll be participating in large-scale battles such as ‘Extinction’ battles where you have to clear the area of monsters before you can progress.

As mentioned, RWBY: Grimm Eclipse is available for voting on Greenlight right now. The team had stated that they would like to be able to release this game by the 2015 holiday period. I enjoyed the world presented by the RWBY series but I would be lying if I said I cared for the story as much as it’s choreography and battle scenes. This to me sounds perfect for the series as it’s all about the slick animations and attacks. Aside from a fighting game, a Dynasty Warrior-esque game would work well to show off the world and the strengths of each character. It was mentioned that there will be plans for content that have yet to be shown in the show. There is also talks of more playable characters including Team JNPR.

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