Gamers and politics, there's a correlation

When the average individual thinks of a gamer, the upcoming election probably is not one of the top five words or phrases to pop in their heads.  One might not think to associate politics with video game culture. Or they quickly jump to the age old argument of video games in their correlation to the violent influence it has on our children. But according to a new study released by the Entertainment Software Association, there may be more of a cross over in this Venn diagram of unlikely topics.According to 80% of individuals who identify themselves as gamers say that they plan in the next presidential election.  This is %1 more than the previous election. While one percentage might not seem substantial, keep in mind that four out of five American households contain at least one console intended for videogames (PC included).

When the average individual thinks of a gamer, the upcoming election probably is not one of the top five words or phrases to pop in their heads.  One might not think to associate politics with video game culture. Or they quickly jump to the age old argument of video games in their correlation to the violent influence it has on our children. But according to a new study released by the Entertainment Software Association, there may be more of a cross over in this Venn diagram of unlikely topics.

According to 80% of individuals who identify themselves as gamers say that they plan in the next presidential election.  This is %1 more than the previous election. While one percentage might not seem substantial, keep in mind that four out of five American households contain at least one console intended for videogames (PC included).

“100 million gamers will vote next year,” said CEO Michael D. Gallagher. “Gamers are engaged, informed, and hold strong opinions on critical issues. From both sides of the aisle, and in every state across the country, they will influence the course of our nation’s future.”

That 1% increase isn’t looking so little anymore.

Among this demographic, also found through ESA’s study, was that 48% identified as conservative while 38% identified as liberal.

76% who believe that they as humans play a role in climate change. 67% want more investment in renewable energy resources like solar or wind power. And 61% are in support of a more equal distribution of the wealth in America. Even more findings can be found here.

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