Dark Pixel does Shadow Complex in Real Life video

Dark Pixel is a YouTube channel that makes action videos based off of video games, with the occasional parody of Kickstarter or comic book theme showing up. As Dark Pixel's channel description reads, "All we care about are action movies and video games. It shows."This time, Dark Pixel released a video based off of Shadow Complex. The film is 2:10 long, and features a panning shot of the very true to source material video.

Dark Pixel is a YouTube channel that makes action videos based off of video games, with the occasional parody of Kickstarter or comic book theme showing up. As Dark Pixel’s channel description reads, “All we care about are action movies and video games. It shows.”

This time, Dark Pixel released a video based off of Shadow Complex. The film is 2:10 long, and features a panning shot of the very true to source material video.

It was announced at the Video Game Awards that Shadow Complex: Remastered was going to be released soon, with a free version on the PC through the month of December. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will be getting their own versions in 2016.

You can pick up the free copy of Shadow Complex: Remastered here, on the official website. You can also check out the video by Dark Pixel below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiwbsFwSpYY]
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