New Details on XCOM 2 DLC

New details about the expansion pass and Digital Deluxe Edition for XCOM: 2 the sequel to Firaxis Games' hit turn based strategy game, XCOM: Enemy Unknown have been announced.The Expansion Pass, titled the Reinforcement Pack, includes three separate expansions. The DLC will  be available as part of the newly announced Digital Deluxe Edition, which also includes the game's soundtrack, as well as a separate purchase.

New details about the expansion pass and Digital Deluxe Edition for XCOM: 2 the sequel to Firaxis Games’ hit turn based strategy game, XCOM: Enemy Unknown have been announced.

The Expansion Pass, titled the Reinforcement Pack, includes three separate expansions. The DLC will  be available as part of the newly announced Digital Deluxe Edition, which also includes the game’s soundtrack, as well as a separate purchase.



2K Games, Publisher of the XCOM games has released the following details about the upcoming expansions:

In addition to the three expansions 2K Games has announced a pre-order bonus for XCOM 2. The Resistance Warrior Pack includes a unique new recruit and various soldier customization options.

The Digital Deluxe edition of  XCOM 2 will be available for $75, while the cost of the Game and Expansion Pack separately will be $60 and $20 respectively so the Deluxe Edition saves $5, if you don’t count the value of the soundtrack.


XCOM 2 is scheduled for release on PC only in February 2016.

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