Rock Band 4 gets new tracks today

It may only be December 1st, but it seems like the gifts are rolling in early for fans of Rock Band 4. What's always great about rhythm games is that there are never too many songs that can be added and the total is going up today.Harmonix has now thrown in five more tracks to the list for Rock Band 4. These tracks are listed here:

It may only be December 1st, but it seems like the gifts are rolling in early for fans of Rock Band 4. What’s always great about rhythm games is that there are never too many songs that can be added and the total is going up today.

Harmonix has now thrown in five more tracks to the list for Rock Band 4. These tracks are listed here:

Each of these songs bring a soft rock sound to the game and are great hits that should be fun to play. You can purchase them for $2 each on Xbox Live or the PlayStation Network or you can get them all for as a bundle for $8.50. Check out the video below to see these tunes in action. Rock Band 4 is available now for Xbox One and PS4.


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