The Rock Band 3 soundtrack can now be imported into Rock Band 4

It's been a full two months since Rock Band 4 was released, and while it took Harmonix a bit, players can now import the entire Rock Band 3 soundtrack into Rock Band 4. Recently, an export feature for both Xbox One and PS4 players was added in North America. European players should expect to see the feature sometime later on this week.The export process costs $15 and brings all 83 songs into Rock Band 4. It can only be done through Rock Band 4's store, though, and not through the Xbox Store or PlayStation Network Store.

It’s been a full two months since Rock Band 4 was released, and while it took Harmonix a bit, players can now import the entire Rock Band 3 soundtrack into Rock Band 4. Recently, an export feature for both Xbox One and PS4 players was added in North America. European players should expect to see the feature sometime later on this week.

The export process costs $15 and brings all 83 songs into Rock Band 4. It can only be done through Rock Band 4’s store, though, and not through the Xbox Store or PlayStation Network Store.

If you own Rock Band 3, you can find the option to export all the songs in the “more songs” section of the Rock Band store. It can only be within the same console family, though: an Xbox 360 owner cannot verify a PS4 import, and vice versa. You can check out a how-to guide on Harmonix’s website.

Excited to import your Rock Band 3 playlist into a next-gen system? A bit down that you have to pay for the songs you already own? Let us know in the comments!

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