As of the end of 2015, Elite Dangerous has sold over 1.4 million copies

Releasing back in December 2014, Elite Dangerous has managed to boast an incredible 1.4 million copies. This is attributed to all platform sales including PC, Mac and Xbox One. The blog post also sends their thanks to the players who have put their time and effort in being part of the Elite Dangerous community, boasting an average 60 hours of playtime. As the new year begins and the recent expansion settles players in, they hope for a fruitful 2016.Elite Dangerous is one of the starting titles that would lead to the current VR movement. With native SteamVR support, it is one of the currently praised title for its gameplay as well as functionality with virtual reality hardware. The recently released expansion "Horizon" added a new layer of content for the series including planetary landing, multi-crew co-op and giant ships that launch fighter ships. With more content on the horizon there seems to be a great deal of content for the game.

Releasing back in December 2014, Elite Dangerous has managed to boast an incredible 1.4 million copies. This is attributed to all platform sales including PC, Mac and Xbox One. The blog post also sends their thanks to the players who have put their time and effort in being part of the Elite Dangerous community, boasting an average 60 hours of playtime. As the new year begins and the recent expansion settles players in, they hope for a fruitful 2016.

Elite Dangerous is one of the starting titles that would lead to the current VR movement. With native SteamVR support, it is one of the currently praised title for its gameplay as well as functionality with virtual reality hardware. The recently released expansion “Horizon” added a new layer of content for the series including planetary landing, multi-crew co-op and giant ships that launch fighter ships. With more content on the horizon there seems to be a great deal of content for the game.

I can’t say I’m part of the average, with only roughly 13 hours of game time, however my experiences with the game have been enjoyable. Whether it’s bounty hunting with friends or quietly flying around the universe to fulfill requests, the experience has been breath-taking and it’s one of the few titles that have made me really want to give it a go with VR.

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