Destiny Crucible gets an update this week, this time for lag

Bungie has announced an update to the Destiny Crucible multiplayer matchmaking system that will focus on defeating lag later this week.Destiny's limited time event Iron Banner will start Tuesday January 26th at 10am PST and will feature the game mode Rift. The new matchmaking goes live the next day January 27th at 10am PST.

Bungie has announced an update to the Destiny Crucible multiplayer matchmaking system that will focus on defeating lag later this week.

Destiny’s limited time event Iron Banner will start Tuesday January 26th at 10am PST and will feature the game mode Rift. The new matchmaking goes live the next day January 27th at 10am PST.

Bungie said that Iron Banner will feature “new matchmaking settings that will assign more emphasis to connection quality. These changes will be made in an effort to reduce lag. There will still be some consideration given to matching you with worthy adversaries, but that’s a thing we’ve done since Destiny first shipped.”

This update is an effort by Bungie to be more transparent about background data and changes as gamers found out last week that the developer was rating their Crucible data without them knowing it. This was happening ever since the Taken King was released.

“As always, we’ll be monitoring the state of the Crucible for stability and improvement,” the developer said, “If all goes well, we intend to deploy the new matchmaking settings to more Crucible playlists over time. And, in keeping with this trend, we’ll be sure to let you know. This is the continuation of a conversation in which you influence the development of Destiny.”

Bungie’s next big event is set around Valentine’s Day and is called Crimson Days. The event starts February 9th and will feature a new 2v2 Crucible variant entitled Crimson Doubles. There’ll be a much bigger event after Crimson Days, but specific details haven’t been released yet.

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