XCOM 2 bugs are being worked on by Firaxis

XCOM 2, the long awaited tactical sequel, has been receiving positive reviews since it was released earlier this month. Take control of a the rebellion and do everything in your power to stop the alien occupation of the planet. There may be a few bugs along the way, but Firaxis is determined to wipe them out.XCOM 2 may be doing well for the most part, but there have still been complaints about some gameplay issues. These include frame rate problems and animations that are too long. Jake Solomon, the lead designer at Firaxis, stated "To people who are suffering them[gameplay issues], if they’re frustrated, I’m as frustrated and more." He continued talking about these bugs saying "We take it incredibly seriously. Me and all the leads, that’s what we work on all day and that’s what we’re committed to right now.”

XCOM 2, the long awaited tactical sequel, has been receiving positive reviews since it was released earlier this month. Take control of a the rebellion and do everything in your power to stop the alien occupation of the planet. There may be a few bugs along the way, but Firaxis is determined to wipe them out.

XCOM 2 may be doing well for the most part, but there have still been complaints about some gameplay issues. These include frame rate problems and animations that are too long. Jake Solomon, the lead designer at Firaxis, stated “To people who are suffering them[gameplay issues], if they’re frustrated, I’m as frustrated and more.” He continued talking about these bugs saying “We take it incredibly seriously. Me and all the leads, that’s what we work on all day and that’s what we’re committed to right now.”

If you’re a fan of XCOM 2, you can be sure that these bugs will come to an end soon. Get the game on PC today.

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