Street Fighter V to receive Steam cards

Steam cards have now hit Street Fighter V's PC version. Added in a recent patch that rolled out to the PC version, the game is now part of the ever-growing list of games that utilizes this meta game on Steam.The Steam trading cards are a way for Steam users to help personalize their steam profile page with various badges and other goodies when a set of cards are collected. These cards can be traded and sold for money as well! The whole system is a whole different ball game in which it rewards people who play many games for long periods of time.

Steam cards have now hit Street Fighter V’s PC version. Added in a recent patch that rolled out to the PC version, the game is now part of the ever-growing list of games that utilizes this meta game on Steam.

The Steam trading cards are a way for Steam users to help personalize their steam profile page with various badges and other goodies when a set of cards are collected. These cards can be traded and sold for money as well! The whole system is a whole different ball game in which it rewards people who play many games for long periods of time.

Sadly, you won’t get all cards to complete a set when you play games. That is why Steam users will end up either trading with other players for their duplicates or straight up buy the reasonably cheap digital cards.

With that out of the way, hopefully Capcom’s ready to finally look into fixing various issues that have popped up during play.

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