Destiny cancels newest Iron Banner due to a reoccurring problem

For those hoping to scratch that competitive Destiny itch this week, Bungie unfortunately has some bad news.“Due to the same issue that prevented players from joining matches in Trials of Osiris, we are also cancelling Iron Banner for this week,” the developer stated on Twitter.

For those hoping to scratch that competitive Destiny itch this week, Bungie unfortunately has some bad news.

“Due to the same issue that prevented players from joining matches in Trials of Osiris, we are also cancelling Iron Banner for this week,” the developer stated on Twitter.

Bungie canceled Trials of Osiris earlier this month due to multiple issues, including a persistent bug that would lower a player’s damage output to almost nothing. The returning problem seems to be connected to the matchmaking and spotty connectivity some players experienced however.

While that marked the first time Bungie has ever stopped an event midway through, the developer has elected not even to chance it with the Iron Banner. In both cases, the highly competitive PvP nature of the activities means even the slightest imbalance or problem could leave players frustrated.

This would have been the first Iron Banner since Bungie announced the new Rise of Iron expansion will explore the lore behind the event. Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris were both put on hold last month as well, due to a an exploit that allowed players to have an unlimited number of rockets.

Destiny: Rise of Iron releases September 20, adding a new raid, a new story, and a range of new content for PvE and PvP. It even marks the return of the infamous Gjallarhorn rocket launcher to the game.

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