Elder Scrolls Online: Dark Brotherhood lets the blood flow

Featuring as much backstabbing, blood spurting, and death gargling as you can pack into a single video, Elder Scrolls Online’s newest trailer showcases the Dark Brotherhood.Now live in the game on PC/Mac, the Dark Brotherhood DLC sees players return to the Gold Coast, an area from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. New additions to the game include a passive assassin skill-line, a new poison branch of Alchemy, new story content, and repeatable assassination quests. Players can join the Dark Brotherhood, hone their assassination skills, and fight against a threat rising to take down the murderous group.

Featuring as much backstabbing, blood spurting, and death gargling as you can pack into a single video, Elder Scrolls Online’s newest trailer showcases the Dark Brotherhood.

Now live in the game on PC/Mac, the Dark Brotherhood DLC sees players return to the Gold Coast, an area from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. New additions to the game include a passive assassin skill-line, a new poison branch of Alchemy, new story content, and repeatable assassination quests. Players can join the Dark Brotherhood, hone their assassination skills, and fight against a threat rising to take down the murderous group.

Starting this week, the DLC is available for free for all ESO Plus members on PC. For those that don’t have a subscription, the content can be purchased from the in-game store with 2,000 crowns ($20). The Dark Brotherhood DLC will release on PS4 and Xbox One June 4.

This DLC mark only the latest of the Elder Scrolls guilds to be added to the game. Earlier this year saw a new batch of content allowing players to join the Thieves Guild and commit crimes.

What do you think of the new backstab animations? Are they good enough to make you feel like a master assassin? Let us know in the comments.

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